Class 1 - Week 6: Overlapping Action

Yay! This week I reached the half way. So much learning! In the previous week we understand the importance of planning and doing a block before you go to refine your animation. When you have a lot of information being transmitted, you must first understand how it works. Sometimes the head is in a way, but we do not have the maturity to put that into practice at once, so you should follow the steps of planning.

Planning: Have a clear idea of where you want to go with a scene before start a shot!
Blocking: Using the least amount of information necessary to clearly what you want! 

The topic of this week is Overlapping. Believe. It sounds simple, but is not in practice.You will be confuse of what you are doing and their animation becomes a mess. You will see below why it's complicated.

The concept is: With overlapping, things will move in parts. Where everything does not happen at the same time. 

"What are you saying? Take it easy! We just left the balls!"

Yes, you're right. Think that the ball has only one part. Let's talk about something more complex. For example, a tail. Will there be a movement when some force applied to the movement exists, may be gravity, a weight or wind. The tail will follow the movement. This is called Follow Through.

  Imagine the tail broken in joints. Think of the owner of this tail is the primary force. If he run out and stop abruptly, the tail will take longer to stop. If it is hard to imagine, swing your arm like a pendulum and then stop abruptly. Let's say your shoulder is 1, the elbow is 2, your wrist 3 and your fingers 4, as figured in the picture above. These parts will stop gradually. When the sholder stop, 2, 3 and 4 continue to follow the arc of movement until finally the fourth stop moving.

"Okay ... But how it will move when a side to side?"

Good question. Then comes an essential part of the overlap function. When the first part to the other will continue to move, right? This movement is called Drag, or Wave Principle. Tipically it forms a "S" because the effect of overlap. 

When stops, the rest will drag as he turns, then will follow through on next frames.

Usually there will be a Slow In and a Slow Out of the top must position. In the case of an appendage coming to rest, it may still be doing it's thing after the initial force hasstopped moving. 

My assignment had two difficulties. I chose to deliver the simplest because it wanted to better understand the effect of overlap. But I'll post the two that I did.


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1 comment:

  1. Pretty nice this second video! Very soft movements and quite an unexpected ending! Funny funny XD


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