Class 1 - Week 4: Introduction to Timing and Spacing

Hey boys and gals!

This week we return with balls... But now they have different weight! To recap what we talked about in the last post, timing gives the meaning of the movement and spacing place your character, objetct, or whatever in a certain space determined by you. Remember the "Boink" Richard Williams!

With a good timing, the movement is interesting, makes sense... And there physics applied

"What? I need to know physics??" 

... Calm down, I have not finished. But yeah, you need the basics! You need to understand behaves as a body with some factors. These factors are: the gravity, weight, inertia, momentum, acceleration and deceleration. Laws of motion determined by Isaac Newton.


 You will not make accounts. Stay calm. But you need to understand just how bodies behave in our world. 

Animation is observation: experience to observe life.

Physics tells us that if two different mass bodies fall at the same place, the bodies tend to touch the ground at the same time. This is because gravity pulls the two in the same way. What you need to understand is that after her fall, she may react differently. And the animation you don't need necessarily follow the reality too seriously. Here is where you can escape from reality! Remember one principle: Exaggeration.

Anyway, Carlos Baena exemplifies lecture on an elephant falling. It is heavy, and if it stops abruptly. He will not stop in time, right? Now think of an ant. If you throw it away, it will stop quickly so suffer attrition.

In this assignment we have to work two balls. A light and a heavy. Besides doing her jumping on the same axis, I also made it out of the same place. And for it, will form arcs, right?

For this, we can use the in between, or breakdowns. 

When we have two keyframes, say they are the extreme poses. In the example, we will call A and BThere are endless possibilities you get from point A to B. Do you agree? But when you want to define the way he should go, you create a breakdown between the two extremes. And it's crucial you do it. For the 3D animation there is a danger of letting the computer all the interval. But that's why we are here because the computer is dumb, and it will not create personality for you! That's why we are here :). With this, we can also add acceleration, or take it too.
The possibilities are endless! More and more!

Here's my assignment for Week 4! Take care!

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